When do you follow up on a job application?

There is a reason why candidates feel the need to follow up.
In smaller companies quite often people screening job applications are not HR people. They are managers with a full time job and at the same time responsible for handling the recruitment process.
What often happens is that candidates do not get a simple confirmation that the application has been received. Unfortunately it is quite common that candidates never hear from the company at all!
This is not the way to treat you future work force - your path to success.
As a result candidates then write follow-up emails and call to check the status. The already busy manager gets even more busy and stressed...
Using an automatic tracking system (ATS) will help.
Elvium gives all candidates a confirmation that the application has been received. Managers can easily screen applications and all candidates are evaluated equally. The result: Better candidates in shorter time and candidates are treated with respect.
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